Friday, July 09, 2010

Puppy Class

DDare has started his Puppy FUNdamentals class with Jane Fallander at AGoodDogNow (same building as Agile Canines, and Tuesday nights after Winn's agility class--handy!) and after two classes, I am darn excited about this pup.
He's confident without being pushy, very operant, and a happy guy. In one session we shaped a "down" and started crate manners (sit/stay until released). Last week he attacked the wobble boards, ladder, and irregularly shaped platforms--they were lined up in a row like a dogwalk--no problem: FUN
Jane brought out a wastebasket so we could play "101 Things to do with a Box" but instead I put him in it for fun. We also started "spoon heeling" and hand touches.
Puppies are a LOT of work. Puppies are a LOT of fun.

Maggie: is doing really well. After our celebration at no side effects from Vincristine, this was her first week of Doxorubicin/Adriamyacin. It can be hard on the heart, so it's good that she has a strong, athletic one. I'm also supplementing with CO-Q10, yet another trip to the coop (bonus--they have great tuna salad, for me!) She is officially in remission and we are so hopeful about her future. She's been cleared to run agility this weekend and we'll take it the way we always do--on her terms, run by run, and always with joy!


Snowpup said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that word--remission!!

afinstrom said...

Yay for Maggie!

Waht on earth is "spoon heeling?"